New Moon Cottage


New Moon Cottage Storefront

Visit their site!

New Moon Cottage was brought to me through Tribeswell, LLC and was a fairly quick project. I spoke with the clients on multiple occasions to get the right feel for their space and what they wanted to convey to their clients. There are many websites that sell the same products as this client, but the feel and experience of those sites do not match the personality of the client or customers. They seem stale and mechanical. For this website, the client wanted a feeling of earthly qualities and homeliness. The site should be welcoming and soft, not stiff or businesslike.


Logo Development

The logo has the same welcoming qualities and many variations were offered during the logo development. Eventually, we settled on one and I think it works really well (although a tagline was added under the logo—too close for my liking). The logo was built using Adobe Illustrator.


I used Photoshop to mockup the site and attempted to use Adobe Edge to prototype it, but Adobe Edge didn't have the ease and quickness that InVision offered. I cannot remember exactly what was offered to the client for the prototype, but they were happy and the project moved forward. I did not design the interior pages.
